Selected Publications
Lerch, B., Nolting, B. C., and Abbott, K.C. 2018. Why are demographic Allee effects so rarely seen in social animals? Journal of Animal Ecology. Available at:
Abbott, K. C., and Nolting, B. C. 2016. Alternative (un)stable states in a stochastic predator-prey model. Ecological Complexity.
Available at:, C., Stieha, C., Nolting, B. C., Cameron, M. K., and Abbott, K. C. 2016. QPot: An R package for stochastic differential equation quasi-potential analysis. The R Journal, 8/2: 19-39.
Available at:, B. C. and Abbott, K. C. 2016. Balls, cups, and quasi-potentials: quantifying stability in stochastic systems. Ecology, 97: 850-864.
Available at:, B. C., Hinkelman, T., Brassil, C. E., and Tenhumberg, B. 2015. Composite random search strategies based on non-directional sensory cues. Ecological Complexity 22: 126-138.
Available at:, B. C., Paullet, J. E., and Previte, J. P. 2008. Introducing a scavenger onto a predator-prey population model. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 8: 214-222.
Nolting, B. C. In preparation. Composite random search strategies: optimal criteria for switching between ballistic and Brownian motion.